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想放纵自己?那得跟Honey Soundsystem一起玩!

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解毒剂呈献:旧金山 LGBTQ 派对先锋组织 Honey Soundsystem

助阵嘉宾:Michael Cignarale, Tobias Patrick



Honey Soundsystem是一个来自旧金山的DJ团队,成员包括Jason Kendig、Jacob Sperber(又名Jackie House),和Robot Yang(又名Bezier)。这个DJ团队帮着创办了三家唱片公司 – 分别是Honey Soundsystem Records,Disciare,以及 Dark。

Honey Soundsystem Boiler Room London DJ Set

当Honey Soundsystem的联合创始人Ken Woodard 和 Jacob Sperber 在发现了旧金山夜生活的严重的不足后,便于2006年一月创办了这个充满了一群 DJ( Disc Jockeys), 音乐家, 表演家以及设计师的奇妙组合。


慢慢的,Ken Woodard 和Jacob Sp石墨烯用作隐身涂料具有良好前景erber带来了其他和他们口味相同的DJ,并且最终确定了现在的组合:Jacob Sperber, Jason Kendig, Robot Yang。这个组合的共同点是都十分喜爱永恒的声音、标志性的意象、完整的外表、放纵的行为,还有最重要的,有吸引力的男人。

组合从2008年开始,举办了为期五年,且每周一次的LGBTQ+的周日友好夜间派对, 并在2013年的十月末结束。 主持这些派对的DJ们也是来自世界各地: 有 DJ Sprinkles, Todd Terje, Prosumer, Boris, Steffi, Horse Meat Disco, Discodromo, Eric Duncan, Derek Plaslaiko, Maurice Fulton, Kink, Ivan Smagghe, Traxx, Silent Servant, Daniel Wang, Hunee, Optimo, Derrick Carter, Portable, Hard Ton, Tim Sweeney, Kim Ann Foxman, Mr. Ties, Honey Dijon, Steve Fabus, Bobby Viteritti, and Mike Servito.

且从那开始,Honey Soundsystem便不断举行这些大型的,一次性的派对,当然,他们偶尔也会办地下派对。整个组合也因为擅长筹备大型的,精心制作的,专门为派对设置的设施(从而使夜生活更加丰富)而出名。

而Honey Soundsystem的存在也最大可能化的塑造和改变了每个成员在音乐上的潜力。他们成立了像HNYTRX(Honey Soundsystem的旗舰产品), Discaire, 和Cheon的Dark Entries这样的唱片公司,还一起复兴了旧金山Hi-NRG制作人Patrick Cowley的lost gay 原声。




? Michael Cignarale

Medusa活动由Michael Cignarale发起,充盈着愉悦和狂喜,充阿尔山斥着对女性化、阴柔之美的爱慕,用同性恋情节的经典house和disco打开通往每一个性别颠倒、身份模糊的边缘群体的大门。芝加哥风格韵律,粗糙的acid line,和Michael细腻声线的现场演唱,他的表演让人着魔,心甘情愿地跌入这个甜蜜而闪亮的音乐陷阱。

? Tobias Patrick

15余年DJ经历,出生和成长在德国的他,少年时期第一次开始接触电子舞曲,他便迅速的确立了他对techno的选择:在他完成第一次在鲁尔区附近的CLUB演出,便开始了对其他音乐种类如funk、soul、disco、house和其他soulful种类。他的音乐风格受到来自世界各地不同流派艺术家的影响。他的音乐形态不能单单用一种风格来定义——有灵魂,注重音乐情绪,变幻无穷大概是最好的形容。作为黑胶唱片收藏者,他与DJ Lindberg共同创办上海的12 INCHES OF FUN—“黑胶停不下来”系列派对。派对的宗旨是坚持黑胶现场以带来手工艺人般的精致音乐体验。12年多亚洲组织音乐活动的经验,体现了派对的专业性和兼收并蓄的音乐品味。

Antidote presents ... HONEY SOUNDSYSTEM (San Francisco)

Friday, Nov. 2

Support DJs:Michael Cignarale, Tobias Patrick

TiA/D转换于1身ckets 100 RMB atdoor

Honey Soundsystem is the San Francisco DJ crew made up of Jason Kendig, Jacob Sperber aka Jackie House, and Robot Yang aka Beziér. Honey Soundsystem is responsible for helping start three labels -- Honey Soundsystem Records, Disciare, and Dark.

Honey Soundsystem is a collective of 集束月光disc jockeys, musicians, performers and designers. Co-founders Ken Woodard and Jacob Sperber formed in January 2006, after seeing severe gaps in San Francisco nightlife. They were inspired by pivotal gay underground parties, who offered a take on dance music in direct opposition to what was blaring on mainstream club speakers. Gradually they brought in other DJs with similar tastes before the group finalized its current roster: Jacob Sperber, Jason Kendig, Robert Yang. The group bond over a shared love of timeless sounds, iconic imagery, the complete look, indulgent behavior, and most of all, attractive men.

In 2008 they launched a weekly LGBTQ+ friendly Sunday night party that would run for five years, before ending in October 2013. Their parties host DJ’s from around the world, including DJ Sprinkles, Todd Terje, Prosumer, Boris, Steffi, Horse Meat Disco, Discodromo, Eric Duncan, Derek Plaslaiko, Maurice Fulton, Kink, Ivan Sm刘小天agghe, Traxx, Silent Servant, Daniel Wang, Hunee, Optimo, Derrick Carter, Portable, Hard Ton, Tim Sweeney, Kim Ann Foxman, Mr. Ties, Honey Dijon, Steve Fabus, Bobby Viteritti, and Mike Servito. Since then the crew has gone on to throw a steady stream of larger, one-off parties and the occasional underground. The crew is known to build massive, elaborate, party-specific installations to enhance their nightlife antics.

Musically, the existence of Honey has shaped and transformed all that was possible for each member. Record labels were formed such as Honey’s flagship HNYTRX, Discaire, and Cheon’s Dark Entries. Together the four resurrected the lost gay porn soundtracks of San Francisco’s Hi-NRG producer Patrick Cowley. Individually and as a team, the four have gone on to DJ critically acclaimed sets in New York, DC, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and Philadelphia as w钟汉良ell as internationally, in Montreal, Vancouver, Berlin, Lond对平板计算机进行检查;on, Paris, and even the far reaches of Shanghai. Honey are constantly meditating on the historical past in order to inform the future. One can only imagine what the future will bring as the boys continue to grow, hone, and discover what is within reach and possible with their combined talents.

Michael Cignarale

the diva behind MEDUSA- Shanghai’s monthly dose of ecstatic, cunty, glitter, vogueing realness, will bring heavy Chicago and freakish vogueing vibes to the floor. Expect with slamming 909s, silky chicago keys, raw acid lines and maybe live vocals from the queen bitch himself. Get taken to church Hunty.

Tobias Patrick

With 15 years behind the decks having been born and raised in Germany, Tobias Patrick first got in touch with electronic dance music at the tender age of 14. He quickly broadened his horizons towards techno, and after earning his first stripes in clubs around the Ruhr District, he started experimenting with funk, soul, disco, house and other soulful music.

------DADA SHANGHAI------

[DADA BAR] 上海独立文化、地下音乐活动场地。

每周一休息, 21点开门, 22点后DJ上台。

地址: 上海长宁区幸福路115号 (近法华镇路)



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